Our eyes say so much about us. They reveal what we think and they express what we feel. But sometimes, because of heredity or the aging process, our eyes do not convey the full range of human thoughts and emotions. "Tired" eyelids or droopy eyebrows can make a person look constantly sad and worn out. An injury to the eyelid or orbit or certain health conditions, such as Graves' disease may cause an abnormal appearance as well as damage to the function of the eye. In addition to aesthetic concerns, heavy eyelids and eyebrows can obstruct vision, creating an unnecessary limitation. Any number of eye conditions can be corrected through oculoplastic surgery (cosmetic plastic surgery) in which the appearance of the eye can be improved to produce a younger, brighter, less tired look. Cosmetic eye surgery at North Central Eye consists of plastic surgery of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids and eyebrows.
During your initial consultation, our surgeon will advise you as to whether or not you are a candidate for cosmetic eye surgery. Complications are rare but your physician will discuss these with you in detail, as well as your expectations. Cosmetic eye surgery is performed in a outpatient operating room. Before the procedure begins, you will receive local anesthesia administered by a physician so that you are comfortable and do not feel any pain during surgery. Following surgery, you will be prescribed medication to reduce any pain. A regular follow-up examination will be scheduled. Following surgery, most patients are able to return to work within days.
Blepharoplasty (also known as cosmetic eyelid surgery or eyelift) is one of the most commonly performed procedures in plastic surgery. The eyes are usually the first place to show signs of aging. With time the upper eyelids can develop folds of loose skin or become droopy. This usually gives the false impression of a tired look. This can also make it very difficult to wear eye makeup. Lower eyelid fat can prolapse and develop loose skin, which can give a tired and sad look to the face. In addition, the skin of the eyelid is very thin and quite prone to developing many fine wrinkles.
What can blepharoplasty (Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery) achieve?
The eyes will appear more rested and vibrant after cosmetic eyelid surgery. Most often the results are so natural that friends and coworkers will comment on how great you look, without realizing that surgery was performed. The incision for blepharoplasty is hidden in natural creases of the eyelid, and it heals extremely well.
What do you mean by customized blepharoplasty?
Many plastic surgeons perform the blepharoplasty procedure in the same manner for all patients. This is like visiting a hairstylist who can who can only cut your hair in one way. The Art of Blepharoplasty needs to be refined and customized for each patient individually. This is whyNorth Central Eye customizes the treatment plan for each patient individually to achieve a youthful harmonious outcome.
I am interested! How should I proceed?
If you are considering this procedure we encourage you to schedule a private consultation. During this visit we will listen to your concerns and, after a comprehensive evaluation, will discuss the best management for you. If you are a suitable candidate you will be informed of all potential risks of the procedure. Depending on your gender, ethnicity, and age, a customized procedure will be tailored for you.
Reconstructive Surgery
Aging, disease processes, injuries, sun and smoke can all lead to destructive changes of the eyelid. These vital structures may no longer be capable of supporting and comforting the eyes as they are designed to do. Our surgeons at North Central Eye have extensive training at Reconstructive procedures to restore patients to a better lifestyle with fewer symptoms. Below are the most common reconstructive procedures we perform.
Ptosis (pronounced toe-sis), is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid. The droopy eyelid can be mild to severe. People who have ptosis may complain that people tell them they look tired or lazy. Because of a constant effort to raise the eyelids it is not uncommon to also complain of fatigue and tension headaches.
What are the common causes of ptosis (droopy eyelids)?
The most common reason for ptosis is acquired ptosis, which develops as we age. This is due to disinsertion of the tendon that holds the eyelid up in a normal anatomic position. Another cause is congenital ptosis , which happens when a child is born with droopy eyelids. This is rather an urgent medical condition for the child and surgery may be needed to prevent permanent loss of vision in the affected eye. Other rare causes of ptosis include myogenic ptosis from conditions such as Myasthenia gravis, neurogenic ptosis, due to third nerve palsy and mechanical ptosis from tumors or trauma.
Eyelid Malposition Eyelids can be malpositioned for a variety of reasons. It could be congenital, meaning the person was born with it, or it could be secondary to aging, trauma, burn or tumors. A malpositioned eyelid not only aesthetically looks unappealing, but more importantly, it can cause severe irritation, burning, tearing and in some instances compromise vision. Here are a few reasons for eyelid malposition.
Ectropion is an outward turning of the eyelid. This condition is most often associated with aging however it could also be caused by facial nerve paralysis (Bell's palsy) or scarring of the skin around the eyes from previous injury or burn. Most patients with ectropion complain of constant tearing and a burning sensation. Depending on the cause, the surgical correction varies. If the ectropion is secondary to aging, the lateral aspect of the lower eyelid is tightened and thus repositioned. If the ectropion is secondary to scarring, skin graft from the upper eyelids or behind the ear will be harvested to correct the defect.
Entropian is an inward turning of the eyelid, typically involving the lower lid. It is usually caused by a loose lower lid, however it can also be caused by scarring from trauma or inflammation from certain ocular diseases. Because of this inward turning the patient complains of constant irritation, tearing and a burning sensation. Depending on the cause, either a lower lid tightening procedure, or the release of scar tissue and = placement of a mucus membrane graft will be needed.
Involuntary Eyelid Blinking Blepharospasm (pronounced "bla-for-o-spaz-m") is the name for a condition in which the eye blinks excessively and involuntarily. It usually occurs in persons in their 50's or 60's, and to women more commonly than men. While its cause is not yet known, it is believed that blepharospasm is caused when there is a miscommunication among the signals between the brain and the eye muscle. The patient may also experience spasms of the face and neck muscles as well. Some people may have an episode of blepharospasm while for others, it becomes a chronic condition.
It is important to have blepharospasm evaluated by trained ophthalmologist because it may be a symptom and not a condition unto itself. Sometimes, blepharospasm maybe the result of dry eye, eye infection, corneal disease, acute glaucoma or several other types of ocular conditions. Stress, fatigue, bright lights, and situations where one may need to stare ahead (watching television or driving) may exacerbate blepharospasm. However, a variety of relaxation techniques may decrease symptoms temporarily. Treatment for blepharospasm include medications, local injection of botulinum toxin (also known as "botox" injections which are used for cosmetic purposes) and surgery. As with treatment for any kind of condition, it is important to discuss with your physician the treatment that works best for you.